Sunday 3 February 2013

Detailed Death Star Floor 3

On the final floor at last! This floor took me 4 hours to do and came out very good. Read on to find
out about the third floor......

This room is another cannon room. It can spin round and round and up and down. They were very cool. I think that, really, is all I can say about the cannons at the top.

Interrogation room
Next, I will show you the Interrogation room, a very cool room. This is the room which makes the TIE fighter go up and down. An assassin droid comes with this room as well. There is also an office in the picture. There is a red thing which you turn and you make another elevator lift up or down. There is also a door leading to the death star controls.

Next, I will show you the death star controls. There isn't really a lot to this room. At the back, you can take out a Lego piece and turn it the other way to show a different planet. At the front, there is a bit where you turn it round and then the death star laser will move in exactly the same way. There is another one but it doesn't do anything.

Death Star Controls

Finally, I will show you the meeting room. It is a very cool room with spinning chairs and a table that can be removed to show some guns. That is all I can say about it. It has 8 chairs if your asking me about that. 

Meeting Room


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