Showing posts with label wookie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wookie. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

2 terrible things the Ewoks and Wookies did

1. Security footage on the Gungan planet caught this. Yes, the Wookies and Ewoks have made an alliance with the Gungans and now they are even more powerful! The clones believe that the Gungans were forced into doing this. The security camera also caught two guards in full battle armor and toxic guns. The next thing they did was even worse.

The leader of the assualt team
robo warrior crushed!

This was the leader of the assault team who is actually an Ewok in armor. They broke through the defenses to the science and development station and eliminated all the scientists. They crushed the robo warrior and destroyed all the projects they were working on. Without this station, it will be impossible to bring the Wookies and Ewoks down.
The scientists who lost their lives.

Sunday, 18 May 2014


At the scientist development station, they have created a chain gun turret MK5. The clone who tested it said it was very easy to control and it seemed to hit every training target with ease. More of them will be released next week and will be used against the Ewoks. After all, their reign still holds. It's just a matter of time before they will overthrew. The scientist's department are still busy for they fear the Ewoks have a lot more power then they do. With the Wookies help, it will be hard to stop them.  

Clone pilot 1K874

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

A terrible battle for the clones

The clones had a terrible fight and lost after two days of ruthless fighting. Only one survived because he ran away, knowing the Ewoks would win and the clones would die. These were the many clones that died at the hands of the Ewoks. Unfortunately, after taking over the base they were more powerful then they were before. With all of this power and with the Wookies help, they could rule the galaxy. Since the clones could not beat them, battles like this will go on and on. They have already made that alliance. There is proof that the Wookies were fighting with them with rocket launchers and stolen gunships. The clones have tried to send in more troops but it seems that the Wookies and Ewoks used the gunships to stop ships twice the size and power of them to shoot them down. The planet Endor is protected on all sides. The Ewoks have also pointed out that they are going to rule the universe. And they sounded serious. They predict that they will head towards clone supplies points to re-enforce their great army...  

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Merciless- Bounty Hunter Squad

Next, I'd like to show you Killer Stealth's wookie brother, nicknamed Merciless. Merciless was once a heroic soldier who earned the gun he is holding in the picture. When that happened, his brother shot him and the civilians blamed it on Merciless. He suddenly wanted revenge and invented a bomb that would kill everyone on the planet. After that, he got into his ship and flew off Merciless saw his brother's ship and mistakes it for a civilian's. After that, he shot the engines and began to crash. Meanwhile, inside, the two bounty hunters put on air masks and jumped out, leaving the ship behind. They got inside and questioned Merciless. He told them his life story and they both agreed to let him in the Bounty Hunter Squad which grew larger and larger. Him and his brother form a lengendary team.