Showing posts with label Gungans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gungans. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

2 terrible things the Ewoks and Wookies did

1. Security footage on the Gungan planet caught this. Yes, the Wookies and Ewoks have made an alliance with the Gungans and now they are even more powerful! The clones believe that the Gungans were forced into doing this. The security camera also caught two guards in full battle armor and toxic guns. The next thing they did was even worse.

The leader of the assualt team
robo warrior crushed!

This was the leader of the assault team who is actually an Ewok in armor. They broke through the defenses to the science and development station and eliminated all the scientists. They crushed the robo warrior and destroyed all the projects they were working on. Without this station, it will be impossible to bring the Wookies and Ewoks down.
The scientists who lost their lives.

Monday, 4 February 2013

My Gungan Droid Carrier

Side View of My droid Carrier
In this section, I will be telling you about my Droid Carrier. It came with 12 characters, costs £35.00 and has about 200 pieces. Read on to find out more.


Bird eyes view of the droid Carrier

This Lego set took my 30 minutes to do and wasn't very hard to build. In this picture you can see the 2 pilot droids. They have blue colour on their chest to indicate that they are a pilot. It also comes with 8 normal droids. They are put in a sort of cabinet thing. It has a headlight at the front and a very small doorway. Droids can't fit through it but it does make it look pretty cool.

My Gungan Warrior

This is my Gungan Warrior which comes with the set. The minute I saw this guy, I thought if anyone actually had a gungan army. I haven't seen anyone try to make a gungan army before. Anyway, he has his very cool purple shield. He also has a sphere. It may not look like one but it is. The blue thing is an object which shuts down the droids when it hits them.

Jar Jar Binks

I couldn't believe that it came with Jar Jar binks. This guy is very clumsy. He has a blue bomb thing and I think that the thing he is holding could be a control to make it set off. I could be wrong though.

This is the page on Gungans in my Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary. I think this book got me into Lego Star Wars.