Monday 2 September 2013

Clone 7149369 Rank S52/ Scorch

Today I am going to show you, I think my best clone trooper I've made yet. Sorry I haven't been writing for 4 weeks, but I've been in France half of the time and my holidays have been way to fun to remember my blog. So, anyway, this is Scorch, my favorite clone trooper. He has two guns, a machine gun (the guns he's holding,) and a rocket launcher on his back. I got this figure from the old republic set. It was a cool set and thankfully, only £11.00. Yeah, it was the speeder-like thing. I don't know exactly it comes with two of these figures (without the guns, those were custom - made,) and also two of the Sith troopers. It was definitely worth buying the set. And for such a cheap price two! It's a great set in many different ways and I would recommend buying it, although you may not know what I'm talking about!

Now, I'll talk about all his weapons. To start with, I'll tell you about the machine gun. I don't exactly know which set it came from, because I just found it lying in one of my Lego containers. I put it on him only because he looked the coolest of all my clones. I stuck the rocket launcher on him using blue tack, is that how yo spell it? Anyway, that's basically all I can say about Scorch, but I will writing again soon, so by.


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